What are the different String functions available?

String Functions available in C:
1. Strlen (): strlen is used to find out the length of the string i.e. how many characters are there in string.
Syntax :strlen (str)

2. Strcpy (): strcpy() is used to copy one string to other string.
Syntax: Strcpy (str1, str);

3. Strcat (): strcat() is used to add one string at the end of another string. In other words it is used to join two strings.
Syntax: strcat (str, str1);

4. Strcmp(): strcmp() is used to make comparison between two strings. It returns 0 if both the strings are equal. Returns negative number if first string is less than second string. Returns positive number if first string is greater than second string
Syntax: strcmp(str,str1)

5. strlwr (): strlwr() is used to convert the whole string into lower characters.
Syntax: strlwr(str);

6. strupr ():strupr () is used to convert the whole string into upper characters.
Syntax: strupr(str)

7. Strrev(): strrev() is used to reverse the string.
Syntax: strrev(str)

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